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The Slow Cook Book : Over 200 Oven and Slow Cooker Recipes

The Slow Cook Book : Over 200 Oven and Slow Cooker Recipes

  • No-fuss recipes for the ultimate comfort foods: soups, curries, chillies, casseroles, risottos, tagines, pot roasts, stews, and even desserts.
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No-fuss recipes for the ultimate comfort foods: soups, curries, chillies, casseroles, risottos, tagines, pot roasts, stews, and even desserts. With slow cooking, you can simply add some choice ingredients to the pot, let the slow cooker work its magic through the day, and come home to a delicious home-cooked meal - just "set it and forget it". You don't even need a slow cooker - each recipe gives instructions for both a traditional hob and oven method and a slow cooker method.

Photographic guides show all the key preparation techniques step by step and explain which ingredients and cuts of meat work best, alongside practical advice on braising, stewing, poaching, pot roasting, and other techniques. You may be on a budget and looking to transform cheap cuts of of meat into tender, rich meals, or just time-poor but wanting to make sure your family have a healthy, home-cooked dinner. You may be embracing nose-to-tail eating with unloved cuts, or trying to reduce your food waste by transforming leftover ingredients into delicious dinners.

With The Slow Cook Book you can save time and money and have everything you need to prepare nourishing one-pot meals.



Heather Whinney
Dorling Kindersley Ltd
242 x 203 x 33 MM
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