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The Earth from the Air
The Earth from the Air
The Earth from the Air
The Earth from the Air
The Earth from the Air
The Earth from the Air
The Earth from the Air
The Earth from the Air
The Earth from the Air
The Earth from the Air
The Earth from the Air
The Earth from the Air
The Earth from the Air
The Earth from the Air

The Earth from the Air

  • The result of a five-year airborne odyssey across five continents and sixty countries, The Earth from the Air is the bestselling and most popular book of aerial photography ever published.
249,00 zł
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The result of a five-year airborne odyssey across five continents and sixty countries, The Earth from the Air is the bestselling and most popular book of aerial photography ever published. This updated edition of the internationally acclaimed original features an updated text and over 100 breathtaking new photographs. New editorials by such renowned authors as Jane Goodall, Matthieu Ricard and Olivier Blond consider such perpetual issues as agriculture, climate and biodiversity, as well as the latest concerns – refugees, new technologies and environmental movements. A classic of its kind, this book will heighten everyone’s awareness of today’s urgent ecological issues. Now more than ever, The Earth from the Air stands as a call to action.


Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Niepowtarzalny dziesięciocyfrowy, a od 01.01.2007 13-cyfrowy identyfikator książki
440 stron
Thames & Hudson
29.6 x 4.3 x 37.1 cm
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Jeżeli powyższy opis jest dla Ciebie niewystarczający, prześlij nam swoje pytanie odnośnie tego produktu. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć tak szybko jak tylko będzie to możliwe. Dane są przetwarzane zgodnie z polityką prywatności. Przesyłając je, akceptujesz jej postanowienia.