Parallel Convergences Pawel Althamer and Anatoly Osmolovsky
- Parrallel Converges brings together the work of two artists-one Polish and the other Russian-who both belong to the generation that received its training during the decisive transition from the communist to the post-communist period in the early nineties
Parrallel Converges brings together for the first time the work of two artists-one Polish and the other Russian-who both belong to the generation that received its training during the decisive transition from the communist to the post-communist period in Russia and Eastern Europe in the early nineties, and whose work has developed along many interesting parallel lines. Notwithstanting the different forms and media adopted-ranging from sculpture, installation and video to more politically engaged actions-the work of both artists often turns around the idea of the body and its modes of perception.ISBNWięcejNiepowtarzalny dziesięciocyfrowy, a od 01.01.2007 13-cyfrowy identyfikator książki
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