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Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story
Evolution: the Whole Story

Evolution: the Whole Story

  • Evolution: The Whole Story contains everything you need to know about the development and survival of life on Earth.
129,00 zł
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Evolution: The Whole Story contains everything you need to know about the development and survival of life on Earth. Each chapter of this accessible and lavishly illustrated book takes a major living group and presents thematic essays discussing the evolution of particular subgroups as they appeared on Earth with reference to detailed comparative anatomy, evolutionary legacies, and the breakthrough theories of eminent scientists. Accompanying the essays are amazing photographic features that investigate the characteristics of individual organisms in detail: in some, remarkable fossils, assembled skeletons, and lifelike reconstructions are presented and analyzed; while in others, living species are depicted and compared in detail to their direct ancestors, creatures that may have lived millions of years ago.

Dane książki


Parker Steve
Dr Alice Roberts
Niepowtarzalny dziesięciocyfrowy, a od 01.01.2007 13-cyfrowy identyfikator książki
576 stron
Thames & Hudson
25.3 x 4.6 x 18.6 cm
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