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  • Dive deep into the ocean with your magic three-colour lens
109,00 zł
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The ocean is a big, mysterious place. With the magic three-colour lens included in Illuminoceans, shed some light on the darkest depths of our watery world, and encounter the creatures, seascapes and surprising underwater features of all of Earth's oceans. From the mighty Pacific to the polar seas, Illuminoceans takes readers on a journey of discovery through the most mysterious environments known to science.

Meet majestic mammals like blue whales, orcas and dolphins, shoals of colourful fish, and whole oceans full of weird and wonderful reptiles, plants and tentacled titans. With your lens in hand, explore the worlds of wonder hidden just below the surface. Your blue lens will uncover the most unusual and important creatures from each habitat, from tiny sea slugs to giant squid, to extravagantly patterned tropical fish.

Use your red lens to reveal the plants and other phenomena that make up so much of the underwater landscape, from plankton, to coral, and the strange relics and wrecks that make up part of our ocean world, reminding us of the human impact that we have had on the sea for thousands of years. The green lens sets the scene, bringing to light the habitat in which these creatures and plants dwell. Continent by continent, ocean by ocean, and layer by layer of the sea, Illuminoceans is an undersea odyssey like you've never experienced before.

With expert insight from author Barbara Taylor and innovative, eye-popping interactive art from Milan-based design duo Carnovsky, Illuminoceans is sure to delight any budding marine biologist looking to while away hours in a nature book like no other.

Kod producenta


Barbara Taylor
oprawa twarda
Quarto Publishing PLC
287 x 346 x 17
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Jeżeli powyższy opis jest dla Ciebie niewystarczający, prześlij nam swoje pytanie odnośnie tego produktu. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć tak szybko jak tylko będzie to możliwe. Dane są przetwarzane zgodnie z polityką prywatności. Przesyłając je, akceptujesz jej postanowienia.