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Titanic: Day by Day

Titanic: Day by Day

  • 366 days with the Titanic
139,00 zł
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After the Titanic sank on 15 April 1912, the story hit the headlines worldwide. Details of the tragedy were displayed on the front pages of every newspaper and magazine, and were talked about in every home. The events that happened on that fateful night should never be forgotten.

In this unique book, each page is filled with information for every Titanic enthusiast, whether seasoned or a beginner. For each day of the year, there are births and deaths of passengers and crew alongside relevant newspaper articles from the time. These are details of true-life events as seen by the eyes of the world in 1912.

Also included are Titanic facts and Titanic survivor quotes. This allows the reader to discover more about the tragedy as it unfolded before the eyes of witnesses, and to delve into the British and American inquiries to see what really happened. Simon's great-grandfather Robert Hichens, one of the six quartermasters of the Titanic, was at the helm when the ship hit the iceberg.

He survived on lifeboat number six. His experience on Titanic is one of hundreds recounted in this book, passengers and crew alike. Titanic Day by Day has a worldwide appeal to all ages because of the wealth of information and facts within.

The book can be picked up both for casual reading or used every day of the week and enjoyed. It is distinctive in the way that it covers facts and information on Titanic's passengers and crew in a daily format. With the information displayed throughout a full year, this allows for a uniquely straightforward exploration of details about the people who perished in the waters of the Atlantic and those that survived.

This will keep their stories alive for generations to come.

Kod producenta


Medhurst Simon
oprawa twarda
Pen & Sword Books Ltd
Liczba stron
167 x 242 x 42
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