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Sundial : from the author of Sunday Times bestseller The Last House on Needless Street
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Sundial : from the author of Sunday Times bestseller The Last House on Needless Street

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Sundial : from the author of Sunday Times bestseller The Last House on Needless Street
Sundial : from the author of Sunday Times bestseller The Last House on Needless Street
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'DO NOT MISS THIS BOOK' - STEPHEN KING'Creepy, individual and gripping' - IAN RANKIN'A thrilling hall of mirrors filled with twists' - ALEX MICHAELIDES'Brilliant and moving' - SARAH PINBOROUGHYou can't escape the desert. You can't escape Sundial. Rob fears for her daughters.

For Callie, who collects tiny bones and whispers to imaginary friends. For Annie, because of what Callie might do to her. Rob sees a darkness in Callie that reminds her of the family she left behind.

She decides to take Callie back to Sundial, her childhood home deep in the Mojave Desert. And there she will have to make a terrible choice. Callie is afraid of her mother.

Rob has begun to look at her strangely. To tell her secrets about her past that both disturb and excite her. And Callie is beginning to wonder if only one of them will leave Sundial alive...

A gripping gothic masterpiece from the bestselling and award-winning author of THE LAST HOUSE ON NEEDLESS STREET, SUNDIAL is a must-read for fans of GIRL A and SHARP OBJECTS. 'A desert-dust nightmare with a scorpion's sting. I loved it' - EMMA STONEX, author of THE LAMPLIGHTERS'Impossible-to-put-down.

Sundial is a heart-in-the-throat smash' - JOE HILL, author of THE FIREMAN'Ambitious, brutal and breathtakingly original' - TAMMY COHEN, author of WHEN SHE WAS BAD'A wild, twisted family gothic unlike any you've read before' - PAUL TREMBLAY, author of A HEADFUL OF GHOSTS'Dark and unsettling, creepy and enthralling' - LISA HALL, author of THE PARTY'Evocative, lyrical and beautiful. I loved it' - ARAMINTA HALL, author of PERFECT STRANGERS



Catriona Ward
oprawa twarda
Profile Books
Liczba stron
163 x 241 x 36 mm
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