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Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen
Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen

Simply Chinese : Recipes from a Chinese Home Kitchen

  • Simply Chinese is a sumptuous collection of classic and modern Chinese home-style recipes that can be made, with ease, in your own home kitchens.
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Simply Chinese is a sumptuous collection of classic and modern Chinese home-style recipes that can be made, with ease, in your own home kitchens. For Suzie Lee, food and Chinese home cooking has always been personal - in Chinese culture, food and family are intertwined. Suzie strives to capture and recreate those cooking traditions she shared with her late mother, her inspiration. From Lee family favourites, such as Hong Kong style chicken wings, to vegetable classics like Tofu puff stir fry, you'll also find more modern creations like her Blackbean stuffed aubergines and green peppers or Garlicky scallops on glass noodles. With traditional dishes prepared in non-traditional ways, and with a classic Suzie twist, these recipes are creative and delicious, and celebrate real Chinese home cooking. Unrestrictive and easy to follow, Simply Chinese shows you how to create authentic-tasting pan-Asian dishes using supermarket ingredients, that are readily available.
Kod producenta


Suzie Lee
oprawa twarda
Hardie Grant Books (UK)
Liczba stron
248 x 187
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