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Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes
Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes

Spill the Beans : Global Coffee Culture and Recipes

  • A caffeinated tour that unveils the richness of coffee culture, the history of beans, stories, and recipes from around the world.
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Coffee is the world’s cup. Over 2.25 billion are brewed, sipped, and savored daily. A loyal companion and energetic facilitator of every day, coffee has sprouted an entire cafe culture and a booming industry. While the caffeine fix is hard to ignore, this beloved hot drink holds a rich and diverse history that sinks deeper than the bottom of the cup.

Spill the Beans takes the reader on a journey through Ethiopia, Guatemala, Vietnam, and many other countries in between, exploring the myriad ways in which coffee is produced, traded, and enjoyed. Hipster baristas may be dreaming up the next seasonal latte at this very moment, but the story of how the humble bean became a global icon is ingrained in history. An essential title for armchair travelers, curious foodies, and cafe-hoppers alike, this java journey demonstrates that there’s a vast world of coffee beyond the ubiquitous flat white. This book is an ‘extra hot’ commodity, maybe it is time to sample it?

Kod producenta


Lani Kingston
oprawa twarda
Gestalten Verlag
210 × 260
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