David Lurie – Daylight Ghosts
- Ghosts in daylight: photographic expeditions in South Africa's "Cradle of Humankind".
Ghosts in daylight: photographic expeditions in South Africa's "Cradle of Humankind".
The Cradle of Humankind—listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1999—is the site of the discovery of many of the oldest hominid fossils in the world, some dating back 3 million years. This area in South Africa opens windows onto many pasts: onto the origins and evolution of humanity, but also, perhaps less well known and appreciated, marks and bears witness to many of the key phases of more recent South African history. This has only been perceived by scholars in the last 30 years, and has still to filter fully into the wider public consciousness.
David Lurie’s poignant images in Daylight Ghosts, attempt to excavate below our conventional sight level to recover the veins of myth and memory that lie beneath the surface of this achingly beautiful landscape: to explore the region, uncover the spirit of the place and ultimately enquire into the nature and possibilities of landscape photography itself.