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Will Run For Doughnuts : The Montclair Bread Company Cookbook
Will Run For Doughnuts : The Montclair Bread Company Cookbook
Will Run For Doughnuts : The Montclair Bread Company Cookbook
Will Run For Doughnuts : The Montclair Bread Company Cookbook
Will Run For Doughnuts : The Montclair Bread Company Cookbook
Will Run For Doughnuts : The Montclair Bread Company Cookbook
Will Run For Doughnuts : The Montclair Bread Company Cookbook
Will Run For Doughnuts : The Montclair Bread Company Cookbook
Will Run For Doughnuts : The Montclair Bread Company Cookbook
Will Run For Doughnuts : The Montclair Bread Company Cookbook
Will Run For Doughnuts : The Montclair Bread Company Cookbook
Will Run For Doughnuts : The Montclair Bread Company Cookbook

Will Run For Doughnuts : The Montclair Bread Company Cookbook

  • This cookbook spotlights the recipes, traditions, and tales of a popular New Jersey bakery that started as a tiny, hole in the wall but became a pillar of resilience for the community during the global pandemic.
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*** PREMIERA 28 PAŹDZIERNIKA 2021 *** This cookbook spotlights the recipes, traditions, and tales of a popular New Jersey bakery that started as a tiny, hole in the wall but became a pillar of resilience for the community during the global pandemic. Montclair Bread Company not only offers bountiful baked treats to throngs of fans, and is a mecca for runners who line up each year to race for doughnuts, it is the epitomy of adapting to survive a crisis. Nine months after Rachel Wyman opened Montclair Bread Company in 2012, business was stale. She had spent years rising before dawn to perfect the combination of flour, water, yeast and salt, and she had the bread to prove it. But on a good day, only thirty people trickled through her door until one Sunday morning when one of her bakers asked her to make doughnuts. This was risky because her customers often begged for healthy foods. The doughnuts sold out in minutes, the number of customers continued to grow along with the line for doughnuts that stretched to the end of the block. Her business flourished until the global pandemic in 2020. Rachel had no choice but to adapt to keep her business going and even started a virtual bake-a-long to help support and communicate with the community during the lock downs. This book shares the tried-and-true recipes Rachel spent three decades perfecting that are now the backbone of her bakery. The recipes are organized by Childhood Favorites, Breads, Doughnuts, Community Favorites, Recipes from Quarantine. Some of these include:Mombo's Carrot Cake and Cowboy CookiesSour Dough Bread and StollenClassic Brioche Doughnuts with Variations, Toppings, and GlazesPizza and Energy BarsCheese Crackers and BagelsRachel brings joy to baking, makes yeast less scary, and helps home bakers make the perfect dough under any conditions. This is a story of how the love of baking brought a community together and held it together during a global pandemic.
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Rachel Wyman
oprawa twarda
Andrews McMeel Publishing
229 x 191
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