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Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom
Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom
Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom
Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom
Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom
Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom
Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom
Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom
Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom
Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom
Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom
Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom
Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom
Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom

Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom

  • A comprehensive and sumptuous survey that celebrates the beauty and appeal of flowers throughout art, history, and culture.
199,00 zł
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A comprehensive and sumptuous survey that celebrates the beauty and appeal of flowers throughout art, history, and culture. The latest installment in the bestselling Explorer Series takes readers on a journey across continents and cultures to discover the endless ways artists and image-makers have employed floral motifs throughout history. Showcasing the diversity of blooms from all over the world, Flower spans a wide range of styles and media - from art, botanical illustrations, and sculptures to floral arrangements, film stills, and textiles - and follows a visually stunning sequence with works, regardless of period, thoughtfully paired to allow interesting and revealing juxtapositions between them.

Kod producenta


Anna Pavord
oprawa twarda
Phaidon Press Ltd
259 x 300 x 40
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