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Hummus to Halva : Recipes from a Levantine Kitchen

Hummus to Halva : Recipes from a Levantine Kitchen

  • Passionate about hummus, Ronen Givon and Christian Mouysset celebrate the versatile and healthy dip. A true staple of the Middle East and the Mediterranean they venture further afield than your standard supermarket selection
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Passionate about hummus, Ronen Givon and Christian Mouysset celebrate the versatile and healthy dip. A true staple of the Middle East and the Mediterranean they venture further afield than your standard supermarket selection to bring out surprising and delicious flavour combinations to tickle the tastebuds. Enter into Ronen and Christian's Levantine Kitchen to learn how to make the perfect hummus every time, the ultimate hummus swirl and hummus toppings from different world cuisines to spice them up.

As well as this there are recipes for soups, salads and sauces and Mediterranean favourites such as falafel, flatbreads, labaneh, tabouleh and green tahini. With over 60 recipes to impress friends and family with a varied mezze spread, this is an essential for any cookery shelf. Hummus is a star; not just a delicious dip.

Chapters include: The Levantine Kitchen, Making Hummus, Toppings for Hummus, Falafel and Wraps, Soups, Salads, Breads and Sauces, Desserts, Drinks and Quick Snacks. Hummus also includes a free-from list to making

Kod producenta


Ronen Givon
Christian Mouysset
177 x 228 x 21 (mm)
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