The conclusion to Snyder and Greg Capullo's monumental #1 NEW YORK TIMESbest-selling run is here in BATMAN VOL. 10: LOVE NEVER DIES! The dust hassettled. After a bloody and brutal battle with Mr.
The conclusion to Snyder and Greg Capullo's monumental #1 NEW YORK TIMESbest-selling run is here in BATMAN VOL. 10: LOVE NEVER DIES! The dust hassettled. After a bloody and brutal battle with Mr.
Bloom, Bruce Wayne hasreclaimed his mantle as the Dark Knight. But with the city broken and his mindslowly mending together, Batman will have to pick up the pieces of his shatteredlife and reclaim Gotham City as his own. But what will he do when echoes fromhis past ripple out into his beloved city's future? And how will this set thestage for the next great era of the Dark Knight? Also featured in thiscollection: a tale from James Tynion IV about Bruce Wayne's lost days in Gothamand a futuristic story from Snyder and Sean Murphy (PUNK ROCK JESUS).
One ofthe greatest runs by any creative duo in the history of the industry concludeshere! Collects BATMAN #51-52, BATMAN ANNUAL #4 and story from DETECTIVE COMICS#27.