Poznaj albumy, które prezentują kulturę uliczną za pośrednictwem sztuki, mody i fotografii.
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Przed Wami najbardziej imponujące albumy z fotografią reportażową. Pandemia czy nie - dzięki książkom świat jest na wyciągnięcie ręki.
Magnum Streetwise is an unmissable tour through the photographs and practices that have helped define what street photography is and can be. Magnum photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson pioneered ‘modern’ concepts of street photography before the term was even coined – but their influence is far from historic. A rich seam of street photography runs through the heart of Magnum to this day, both in the work of recognized masters of street photography – such as Erwitt, Parr, Gilden and Kalvar – and of those who might not even consider themselves street photographers; a continued influence that has not gone unnoticed among the current generation of budding street photographers and fans.