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Spoonfuls of Honey : Recipes from around the world

Spoonfuls of Honey : Recipes from around the world

  • Made from nectar concentrated down to a sweet stickiness by tens of thousands of bees working together in the hive, honey can be found all over the world.
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Made from nectar concentrated down to a sweet stickiness by tens of thousands of bees working together in the hive, honey can be found all over the world. Caribbean jerk, Spanish tapas, French sauces, British biscuits and Turkish cakes all gleam with the sweet stuff. It can take no more than a spoonful of honey to bring its deep flavour to a dish.

As a marinade it enhances meat and poultry, and works particularly well with nuts and fruits, cream and cheese, and herbs and spices. Join award-winning author Hattie Ellis in the kitchen as she shares over 80 recipes covering meals throughout the day, snacks, sweets, puddings, sauces and drinks. From Honeyed Chicken and Aubergine Biryani and Honey Sauce Vierge to Honey, Apple and Rosemary Jelly and Sicilian Honey Balls (Sfingi), Hattie explores different flavours and varieties of honey from around the world.

Spoonfuls of Honey also explains what to consider when buying and storing honey, gives tips on its use in your cooking, examines the benefits to your health and includes the role bees and honey play in nature.



Hattie Ellis
Pavilion Books
177 x 228 x 21
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