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Blank Slate A Comprehensive Library of Photographic Dummies

Blank Slate A Comprehensive Library of Photographic Dummies

  • Blank Slate is a compilation of 400 photographic dummies of everyday objects that are depicted in the book and can also be downloaded for free as digital files.
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Blank Slate A Comprehensive Library of Photographic Dummies
Blank Slate A Comprehensive Library of Photographic Dummies
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Every graphic designer and advertising professional knows the drill. After a logo or corporate design has been created, it needs to be presented and sold to a client. Showing preliminary drafts on paperboard isn t adequate. In order to communicate the idea behind the design, it is much more effective to present it in the application for which it is meant whether on a shopping bag, on a company car, in a brochure, or on a variety of other products. This method of presentation makes designs come to life and gives the client a real idea of how they will work and why. Blank Slate is a compilation of 400 photographic dummies of everyday objects that are depicted in the book and can also be downloaded for free as digital files. With the help of these dummies, any designer can present his or her work in the way that gives clients the most concrete grasp of how their corporate designs will function in the real world. Until now, hardly any suitable dummies existed for creating such presentations. The few that did exist were of moderate quality and high prices. In a similar fashion to our bestseller Neubau Welt, the handbook Blank Slate provides designers with inspiring examples and practical digital tools that will make the implementation, presentation, and sale of their work much easier.

Dane książki
Niepowtarzalny dziesięciocyfrowy, a od 01.01.2007 13-cyfrowy identyfikator książki
308 stron
Die Gestalten Verlag
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