American Politics : A Graphic History
- Following in the footsteps of the highly successful Queer: A Graphic History, illustrator Jules Scheele teams up with Dr Laura Locker in this comic-book introduction to the political history of the Land of Opportunity.
Following in the footsteps of the highly successful Queer: A Graphic History, illustrator Jules Scheele teams up with Dr Laura Locker in this comic-book introduction to the political history of the Land of Opportunity. How dida political outsider like Trump win the 2016 presidential election? Why do someAmericans feel so strongly about gun rights? Is there a role for more than twopolitical parties in the system?Politicsisn't something that just occurs in the West Wing or the gleaming Capitolbuilding - it comes from the interaction between state and society, theAmerican people living their daily lives. In this unique graphic guide, wefollow modern citizens as they explore everything from the United States'political culture, the Constitution and the balance of power, to socialmovements, the role of the media, and tensions over race, immigration, and LGBTrights.
Stepright up, and see what lies beneath the pageantry and headlines of this greatnation.