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Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material
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Bricks Now & Then: The Oldest Man-Made Building Material

  • Bricks are the only non-natural building material that can look back at several thousand years of history.
149,00 złNajniższa cena z 30 dni przed obniżką(Zniżka 34%)
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Bricks are the only non-natural building material that can look back at several thousand years of history. And as Mies van der Rhohe stated: “Architecture starts when you carefully put two bricks together. There it begins“. Buildings made of this fabric from very different epochs and cultures all over the world are always astonishing, and the world’s best architects have explored the qualities of brickwork. A key characteristic for its success since time immemorial has always been easy planning through the standardization of production and the resulting harmonized construction process. Amazing constructive qualities, inexpensive and at the same time environmentally friendly production as well as the longevity are among the qualities that are particularly valued today. In this volume, historical and contemporary brick edifices are featured showing the wide range of possible applications and design possibilities.


Chris van Uffelen
Braun Publish
270 x 215 mm
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